Support and sell
with live chat
Gorgias chat helps merchants respond 52% faster and boost sales by up to 46%.
Up-and-running in less than 3 minutes.
customer satisfaction (& make sales!)
Gorgias chat helps merchants respond 52% faster and boost sales by up to 46%.
Up-and-running in less than 3 minutes.
With Gorgias live chat, merchants respond 52% faster and boost sales by up to 46% by connecting with customers in the flow of shopping.
With an automation experience built exclusively for ecommerce, customers and agents alike love Gorgias chat.
Up-and-running in less than 3 minutes.
Discover how 12,234 brands boost customer satisfaction (& make sales!)
When customers are on your website, they’re actively considering a purchase. Live chat lets you strike while the iron is hot.
You can answer questions blocking a sale (like “Will this get to me on time?”), guide customers to the right items for them, and provide other information and incentives to nudge customers toward a sale.
Turn Your Support Team Into A Sales Machine
Set up proactive live chat campaigns on your product and collection pages to initiate context-appropriate conversations.
For example, one pet food brand set up a chat campaign on their sensitive pet food collections asking shoppers if they need help finding the right food for a specific medical condition.
Start Reaching Out To Shoppers
Automation isn’t the right fit for every question. But for simple questions (like “Where is my order?” and “What’s your shipping policy?”), customers want instant answers more than the human touch.
With automation, customers can get those questions answered 24/7, without waiting on your support team.
Instantly Answer Simple Questions
Gorgias chat lets customers report issues and easily request order updates, cancellations, and refunds. You’ll get all the information you need at once, and customers won’t have to type out an email or wait on an agent.
Upgrade Your Chat With Self-Service
During pre-sales conversations, accurate product suggestions are the best way to drive sales (and upsells). Your agents can select Shopify products from within Gorgias and send beautiful product cards to customers, which are much more engaging than raw URLs.
Empower Your Agents To Be Shopping Assistants
All your channels in one powerful feed
Handle live chat alongside Instagram and Facebook (comments and DMs), Messenger, emails, WhatsApp, Voice, and SMS.
All your customer info, right when you need it
Give you customer service team the context they need to personalize responses and resolve issues, fast.
Actionable insights to continuously improve
Identify patterns in support tickets, measure your team’s performance, and quantify customer service’s impact on revenue.
Process order refunds, updates, and duplicates
All from within the ticket view (Shopify only).
Personalize your templates
Use variables that populate templates with the customer’s unique info to avoid copy/pasting and errors.
Deflect repetitive tickets with powerful self-service
Let customers track their orders and answer common questions without waiting on an agent.
Make it easier for customers to manage their orders
Let customers request refunds and cancellations or report issues before you waste money shipping an accidental order.
Automatically analyze and prioritize incoming tickets
Leverage machine learning to study each ticket’s content and tone, and bump urgent or escalated tickets to the top of your inbox.
Create your account for free
Enter your contact info to get started!
Connect your online store in 3 clicks
Integrate Gorgias with a Shopfiy, Magento, or BigCommerce store in just 3 clicks.
Connect your communication channels
Link your email and social media, and install your live chat in just a few minutes. Start helping customers right away!
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