What’s New with Gorgias: June 2022 Product Updates

What’s New with Gorgias: June 2022 Product Updates

Every month, our product team holds a casual, conversational event with our customers to demo new features, receive real-time feedback, and host live Q&As. 

Watch the video below or read on for a recap of our latest product updates. 

1. Admins can require Two-Factor Authentication for all users (3:18) 

While Gorgias does a lot to keep your data secure, one of the best ways to add an extra layer of security is to encourage agents to use secure passwords and two-factor authentication (2FA). 

And with our latest update, you can do more than just encourage. Admins can now require agents to set up two-factor authentication

Source: Gorgias

1. Admins can require Two-Factor Authentication for all users (3:18) 

Once an admin toggles the option, all users in your account will have 14 days to set up 2FA. After 14 days, users will need to set it up to access your helpdesk. 

2. Add a contact form in Gorgias Chat for a better CX outside business hours (11:38) 

It can be hard to follow up with chat tickets that were left during off-business hours. Sometimes customers don’t include enough details in their message, making it harder to follow up on the next day. 

Using a contact form in Gorgias Chat, you can capture a customer's email and message in a short conversational way. The contact form is designed to collect more information without disrupting the conversational experience, so you can easily follow up and help via email when you log back into Gorgias. 

Add a contact form in Gorgias Chat for a better CX outside business hours
Source: Gorgias

The contact form prompts your web visitors to select a subject (to help you triage tickets faster), and then provide more details about their issue so your agents know what they’re trying to solve. Last, it collects the shopper’s email address so you know who to follow-up with and where to reach them. All of this information will be collected in a single ticket in your helpdesk. 

Read this help center article to learn how to enable the contact form in your Gorgias chat. 

3. Create sub-categories in Help Center (19:55) 

Create multiple levels of categories to help your shoppers navigate to improve help center organization and find help content for related issues more easily. 

Gorgias Help Centers now allow sub-categories.
Source: Gorgias

These new categories also give your team more options when creating a Help Center, so you can organize FAQs in whatever way makes sense for your brand. 

4. New Managed Rules (For Automation Add-on Subscribers) (21:30) 

Rules are a powerful feature that let Gorgias users automatically organize, tag, and reply to tickets. Thousands of Gorgias customers have adopted rules in their customer support workflow to save time and allow themselves to provide faster and higher quality service. Focusing on the common inquiries like WISMO, we’ve built Managed Rules to optimize time for the automation add-on subscribers. 

4. New Managed Rules (For Automation Add-on Subscribers)
Source: Gorgias

Managed Rules are pre-built automations developed by the Gorgias team and include some of the most common and helpful automations. They need no code, no setup. Install them from the Rule Library and you’re good to go! If we improve the Rule, it will automatically update in your helpdesk, no action from you required.

Customer Q&A (24:44) 

Tune into the above timestamp if you want the full 25 minutes of customer questions and answers from our product team. Here were a few of the highlights!

With only two weeks left in Q2, which of the planned releases on the public roadmap will actually launch? (25:44)

Some features listed in Q2 of our public roadmap will indeed be released in Q2, while others will spill into Q3 (or later). We’re proud to provide transparency with our public roadmap, but please understand that it’s subject to change throughout the quarter. We do our best to update our roadmap frequently but can’t always do so right away.

Although we can’t promise to release any of these features in Q2, a few features we plan to release sooner than later include:

Our team is actively prioritizing the roadmap for Q3 right now. Check back soon to see the latest plan! 

Will you be improving the returns and cancellations workflow for the Help center? We use Loop, but can’t integrate our self-service return portal with our new Help Center. (33:40)

This is a limitation we’re definitely aware of, and are exploring options. The long-term solution is to build better integrations with Loop and other top returns platforms. If this is a feature you’d like to see, please submit the request here

When will the option to convert phone calls to SMS be available? (45:15)

We’re hoping to release more features around that at the start of 2023. Today if you receive a phone call, you can always reply to that ticket via SMS. In the future, we’ll focus on helping you deflect the phone call entirely and prioritize SMS instead. 

Join us for the next monthly product event

Thanks for checking out the recap of our June customer product event. We hold these events once as a month as a way to share the latest releases and connect with our customers in real-time. It’s a favorite – from both customers, and the Gorgias team. 

If you’d like to sign up for the next one to attend live, you can register here. We’d love to have you join us! 

Frequently asked questions

Morgan Smith
The customer service platform built for ecommerce brands

Join the 14,547+ brands that use Gorgias every day

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