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Happy Returns, a PayPal company

Box-free, label-free returns at 9,000 locations across the U.S
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Trusted by hundreds of leading e-commerce brands like Everlane, Levi’s, Gymshark, Allbirds, and more, Happy Returns enables box-free returns through a unique combination of returns software and reverse logistics — pioneering in-person, aggregated returns that can help reduce shipping costs and impact on the planet.

Streamline operations: Automate returns and exchanges via a branded return portal, with customized return reasons and refund methods. Utilize powerful real-time returns tracking and reporting within Gorgias to simplify customer service interactions.  

Retain revenue: Retain up to 50% of revenue with one-click exchanges based on return reason and available inventory. Incentivize customers to make a new purchase on your website during the return experience with the free Return Shopping feature.

Delight shoppers and drive loyalty: Offer box-free, label-free return drop-off and immediate refunds at over 9,000 Return Bar locations, with 87% of the U.S. population living within 10-miles of a Return Bar.

Save money: A powerful return portal is available for free to merchants offering PayPal as one of their payment methods. Merchants can save more with aggregated returns shipping from the network of Return Bars.

Boost sustainability: Return Bar returns are aggregated and shipped together in reusable boxes, helping reduce cardboard and greenhouse gas emissions with every shipment.