What’s New With Gorgias – May 2022 Product Updates

What’s New With Gorgias – May 2022 Product Updates

Each month, our product team holds a casual, conversational event with our customers to demo new features, receive real-time feedback, and answer live Q&As. 

Watch the video recap here, or read on for a recap of the latest releases. 

1. SMS is officially live for all accounts (3:10) 

With this new channel, you can receive and respond to SMS and MMS messages within Gorgias. This makes it easy for your customers to communicate with your store while they’re on the go, and easy for your agents to provide fast, conversational support. 

SMS tickets shown in Gorgias feed

We’re releasing SMS this quarter as a free trial for every customer on every plan. Conversations will count toward your plan’s ticket count, but there are no additional charges for minutes, usage, phone numbers, etc. In the coming months, we’ll be assessing the best way to provide Voice and SMS so we can continue to innovate and build powerful new features for these channels.

2. SMS Pro-tip: Create a Gorgias Rule to set up a double opt-in (11:55) 

If you want customers to consent to receive SMS messages before your agents actually reply, you can do this with a simple Rule in Gorgias. Here’s what it would look like: 

Gorgias automation rule for an SMS double opt-in

Read this article for four more Gorgias Rules to help automate SMS

3. Agents will now receive browser notifications when a ticket is assigned to them (14:55) 

Browser notifications an agent would get using Gorgias

This is especially great for anyone who gets tickets assigned to them, but may not be looking at Gorgias throughout their entire workday. (Think managers, social media collaborators, etc.) 

To see these notifications, you may need to adjust your browser and/or computer settings. You can see an example for Chrome + Mac in our official Product Update

4. Quick response flows in self-service got a revamp  (21:48) 

Quick response flows bring in a critical component to self-service, creating more ways to engage with shoppers who visit your store online. We designed quick response flows with the guidance that 60% of the time, customers use chat to ask pre-purchase questions. Most successful merchants leverage their FAQ content to prompt conversation with quick response flows that result in generating revenue, trust and loyalty.

If you haven’t yet activated quick response flows, you’re in for a treat. With this revamp, you can now easily manipulate every step of the experience for quick response flows from self-service settings. Immediately under the Quick Response Flows tab, you can write in any question and answer you prefer and hit save. There is no other place or screen you’d need to navigate. Using the preview on the right, you can reassure the quality of the experience you want to create for your customers. 

Quick response flows in the Gorgias platform

If customers click on a quick response flow and find the information they need, this will not count towards your monthly ticket volume. 

If they click on a quick response flow  and select “No, I need more help” option, it will create a ticket for an agent to address. 

Best practices

It’s amazing when our merchants start using a feature and take it to the next level. We’ve seen some of the best practices to include creating unique tags for each quick response flow created (e.g. Quick_Response_Flow_1), then adding a corresponding view in Tickets. This way, you can track closely the conversations prompted by quick response flows and dedicate a select group of agents who are trained to expand on the subject and help your customers become fans. For more on this subject, check out Quick Response Flows help doc here

Customer Q&A (26:50) 

Tune into that timestamp if you want the full 25 minutes of customer-led questions and answers from our product team. Here were a few of the highlights!

Gorgias Phone vs Aircall: What are the differences? What’s the timeline for improvement for Gorgias Voice? (32:40) 

Gorgias phone is an easy way to add a basic phone line to your store. If you’re looking for advanced, full call center features, our partners like Aircall or RingCentral may be a better solution for you. 

For example, their phone-specific statistics are more in-depth than ours, but the ability to create a phone number and answer it in the Gorgias helpdesk is naturally easier with Gorgias. 

Our long-term vision for Gorgias Phone is not to fully compete with apps like Aircall, but rather to invest in ecommerce-specific solutions so you can provide the best voice support to your shoppers. 

What’s up with WhatsApp? (37:50)

It’s our next new channel, coming Q3! We have access to the API and are ready to start building at the end of the quarter. (Just need to polish up a few existing channel bugs first.) 

Any plans to integrate with Shopify Blogs? (43:15) 

Not yet, but we’d love to hear more feedback about this if it’s something you’re interested in! Submit this idea on our Product Roadmap to help us prioritize it. 

Join us for the next monthly product event

That completes our recap of our May customer product event. We hold these events once as a month as a way to review the latest releases and connect with our customers in real-time. It’s a favorite – from both customers, and the Gorgias team. 

If you’d like to sign up for the next one to attend live, you can register here. We’d love to have you join us! 

Frequently asked questions

Morgan Smith
The customer service platform built for ecommerce brands

Join the 14,432+ brands that use Gorgias every day

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