Why Agencies Should Encourage Their Clients to Install Automation Apps Like Gorgias

Why Agencies Should Encourage Their Clients to Install Automation Apps Like Gorgias

Gorgias is now the leading customer service app for Shopify. It’s also heavily used on other ecommerce platforms like BigCommerce and Magento, and continues to build a great reputation among ecommerce brands of all sizes. Simultaneously, the tool is becoming more useful as they add features and integrate with popular ecommerce apps like Yotpo, Klaviyo, and more.


Part of our role as an agency is to install the optimal tech stack for our clients. Quite often, this means we recommend adding third-party apps and add-ons to augment their existing tech stack. We preach time and time again that ecommerce websites are living, breathing creatures that require constant love, attention, and improvements. Installing apps like Gorgias can drastically improve an online store’s overall site experience and open doors for growth across other parts of the business. 


From the agency perspective, a highly automated tech stack improves the customer experience, saves bandwidth by reducing manual tasks and app-switching, and helps the client grow sales. 

Our CRO Jared Shaner recently spoke at Dig South Tech Conference on the value of improving digital processes.

By automating the repetitive manual tasks, you save bandwidth for your best employees to focus on bigger-picture issues like customer experience, marketing, lead generation, product development, and brand syndication. Human capital is your most valuable asset. Learn to maximize their efficiency, and the value will be felt throughout the entire organization and your bottom line.

Why invest in automated digital tools?

Improves overall site UX and customer experience

A highly converting site is a highly performant one. If you can intertwine your customer service actions directly on-site, this means your customer is automatically spending more time on your site. As long as the automated services are configured properly, customers will enjoy the speed and convenience — and you’ll have a better opportunity to sell. 

You can add marketing and product placements to your automated tools to further increase average order value (AOV) and customer lifetime value (LTV), too. Minimizing friction across every site touchpoint will ultimately lead to fewer bounces, more time spent on-site, and more chances to convert browsers into buyers

Get more data (to drive more sales)

The more data we have the better. Data gives us greater insight into the business model and allows for better decision-making across other site functions like PDP, navigation, and mega menu. 

By gathering data with automation and incorporating it into your website decision-making, you can optimize each site complement for maximum conversions in mind. At Trellis, every decision we make is backed by data, so the greater insights we have, the better we can execute. 

Gather better customer insights

As an agency, it’s valuable to know how fast your client is responding to customer complaints and handling customer service. Customer service can be the biggest differentiating factor between success and failure when competing against larger players like Amazon.

With the right automated tools, we can peek into support performance, customer satisfaction, and the revenue your customer service drives.

Upsell and cross-sell

Every customer interaction is an opportunity to upsell and cross-sell. By reducing friction across normally painful processes like returns, customer service, and social media management, brands can focus on turning negatives into positives and sell through every touchpoint. 

Overturning negatives is a critical component of any sales cycle. And automating said pain points is a great way to drive revenue. 

Show ecommerce knowledge

Ecommerce brands hire agencies like us to be experts on the platforms they use, as well as the entire industry. Any time an agency can save their clients’ valuable time, money, and other resources, they should make recommendations to do so. The best ecommerce apps truly add immense value and the best agencies out there should know this. 

About Trellis

Trellis is a full service ecommerce solution provider that specializes in implementing websites based on popular platforms such as Magento, Shopify, WordPress, and BigCommerce. Our capabilities allow us to plan and design a solution that not only meets your specific goals and budget today, but will also scale with you as you grow. Once a site is launched we stick side by side with our clients to help them improve the site and market the site to generate more customers. In order to achieve maximum ROI it is essential to invest properly in the continual expansion of your online reach while constantly monitoring and improving your website to keep your conversion rate high. Therefore we work with our clients on an ongoing basis to consistently improve their websites. We work with a variety of B2B and B2C businesses ranging from startups to the enterprise. We can navigate your industry and business model to ensure you are achieving the best results possible in ecommerce.

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The customer service platform built for ecommerce brands
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