Customer stories

How TUSHY Influences 25% of Sales with Gorgias Convert: “It Wildly Blew Our Expectations Out of the Water”

Revenue influenced by on-site campaigns
Lower bounce rate
of web visitors click on-site campaigns

Challenge: TUSHY wanted to transform customer service into a revenue-generating team with measurable results. Specifically, they wanted to strengthen pre-sales education to increase buyer confidence, boost conversion rate, and reduce returns.

Solution: Using Gorgias Convert, TUSHY created highly targeted on-site campaigns using customer behavior data and advanced automation. These include a welcome discount code for new website visitors, and a pop-up link to a toilet compatibility checker when browsing bidets.

Pun-loving bidet manufacturer TUSHY is on a mission for cleaner bums and a cleaner planet by reducing toilet paper usage. More than 1 million customers already use TUSHY bidets, which the company sells alongside accessories like ottomans, toilet brushes, toilet paper, and branded t-shirts. 

Because bidets aren’t always the norm, especially in the US, providing effective pre-sales education to customers is pivotal to TUSHY’s sales success.

“Changing culture is hard, but when you have strong tools that allow for real connections and problem-solving with real pooping humans, we're confident we can turn any skeptic into a bidet evangelist. And it can all start with one simple chat message!”

— Grace Choi, Customer Experience Manager at TUSHY

The challenge: Increasing revenue from customer service by improving pre-sales education

TUSHY has always prioritized strong pre-sales customer service, especially because choosing and installing a bidet can be daunting. While TUSHY’s customer service team — known as Poo-Rus — already had an impressive 6% conversion rate from all support interactions, the company was keen to improve even further. 

“Our biggest project for this year to help with the company's revenue goals was to convert customer service into a stronger revenue-generating channel, whereas before our focus was on education and problem-solving. Our customer service conversion rate was already pretty strong, but we knew we could do more by inserting proactive education at key points along the customer journey via chat.”

— Grace Choi, Customer Experience Manager at TUSHY

Pre-sales education doesn’t just drive sales, it also reduces returns from customers who bought a product that doesn’t fit their toilet, or gave up during installation. 

“Education is about instilling trust. It's one of our core values. We’re huge proponents of being as transparent with our customers as possible. We need to give enough education beforehand for people to feel confident about what they're going to buy and ensure they have all they need for a successful bidet installation.”

— Grace Choi, Customer Experience Manager at TUSHY

The solution: Highly targeted, personalized on-site campaigns with Gorgias Convert

TUSHY began implementing highly targeted on-site campaigns using Gorgias Convert to offer discounts, product recommendations, and educational resources. Convert is an intelligent on-site revenue generation toolkit that lets merchants target website visitors with personalized on-site campaigns, based on behavior like:

  • Total value of shopping cart
  • Products in cart
  • Time spent on a page
  • Number of visits
  • Intent to leave your site
  • Total spent in the past
  • VIP status
  • Much more...

These on-site campaigns are highly customizable and user-friendly to build, manage, and monitor:

“Gorgias did such a good job of making Convert so accessible and easily buildable, and walking us through how it all works. And it has this beautiful dashboard where it's just so easy to see everything you need.”

— Grace Choi, Customer Experience Manager at TUSHY

TUSHY uses Convert to run both evergreen and seasonal campaigns. Below, we take a whistle-stop tour of three of the best-performing campaigns:

Welcome campaign (exit intent)

TUSHY’s welcome campaign is a highly segmented offer to help convert as much new web traffic as possible. It offers a discount code for new visitors about to leave the site.

The campaign fires when someone tries to exit the site after spending at least 25 seconds on the shop. Plus, it only fires for customers on the first two visits to the site, and during business hours (so the TUSHY team is available to carry the conversation when a shopper replies to the campaign).

Over 90 days, TUSHY’s welcome campaign results include:

  • 6.9% of store revenue influenced
  • 0.7% click-through rate (mobile) and 2% CTR (desktop)
  • 239k impressions (mobile) and 24k impressions (desktop)
  • 47% conversion rate (mobile) and 59% conversion rate (desktop), out of customers who engaged with the campaign

Toilet compatibility link campaign

After 30 seconds spent on any bidet product pages, customers get a pop-up inviting them to visit TUSHY’s self-service toilet compatibility page. This helps customers figure out which bidet is right for their toilet, increasing their buying confidence and reducing the likelihood of a return due to fit issues.

To provide further ass-istance, if a customer lingers on that page, they get an additional pop-up asking them to submit a photo of their toilet if they don’t see it listed. 

Here’s the setup for the campaign:

Over 90 days, the compatibility page link campaign results (covering both mobile and desktop) include:

  • 0.6% of store revenue influenced
  • 2.0% CTR 
  • 115k impressions 
  • 10% conversion rate, out of customers who engaged with the campaign

4th of July campaign: USofSPRAY

The last two campaigns are evergreen, meaning they’re running at all times. TUSHY also wisely uses campaigns to promote seasonal promotions. To celebrate US Independence Day, TUSHY ran a campaign offering 25% off all bidets. (Who knew cleaning your bum could be patriotic?)

In the week of July 4th, USofSPRAY campaign results include:

  • 47.9% of store revenue influenced
  • 3.5% CTR 
  • 65k impressions 
  • 76% conversion rate, out of customers who engaged with the campaign

A simple dashboard to measure and improve

TUSHY never has to wonder which campaigns are working and the results they achieve because Convert comes with a dedicated Campaigns Statistics page. 

The dashboard gives you an overview of performance for any given period and campaign, including: 

  • Revenue generated (overall and by campaign), so you can report on performance and make data-based decisions
  • Engagement data, like impressions and click-through rate, to understand the performance of campaigns that aren’t directly sales-related and share with the Marketing team
  • A full list of converted tickets, so you can zoom in on conversations that lead to sales

Check out an overview of the Campaign Statistics page in the image below. (Note: This image is not from TUSHY’s Statistics.)

On top of the Campaigns Statistics dashboard, Gorgias also provides a Revenue Overview dashboard, which measures revenue generated from chat campaigns as well as regular support interactions. This Revenue Overview dashboard also shows the revenue generated by each agent, which TUSHY uses for an agent incentive program.

The results: Chat campaigns influenced 25% revenue and improved CX, slashing bounce rate by 37% and increasing conversions

Since they were set up, TUSHY’s on-site campaigns have influenced around 25% of the company’s revenue. During some seasonal promotions, this figure has increased to an ass-tronomical 75%.

Campaigns, even when they don’t immediately lead to a purchase, are great at engaging visitors and keeping them on the website. As soon as campaigns launched, TUSHY’s bounce rate dropped by a staggering 37%, showing that customers are interested in proactive education. Around 50% of website visitors click on an on-site campaign, and those who do are more likely to end up buying. 

“Once we set up on-site campaigns, our bounce rate dropped 37% — almost immediately.”

— Grace Choi, Customer Experience Manager at TUSHY

A better experience for the customer service team

Because more queries are dealt with via automation and self-service, the number of customer tickets has dropped — yet conversion rates have increased. In other words, Grace and her team are accomplishing the goal of generating revenue while simultaneously wiping away repetitive work. 

Gorgias Convert has also made day-to-day life more enjoyable for TUSHY’s customer service agents, too:

“People underestimate the emotional and mental resilience that working in CX requires. On-site campaigns lead to more conversations that obviously drive revenue, but also make a more pleasant experience for the CX agents themselves, and we really value that.

Agents have more capacity to be able to engage with customers on higher-level issues and build relationships. It makes their job easier, with the bonus of those conversions being more meaningful interactions for the customer. ” 

— Grace Choi, Customer Experience Manager at TUSHY

Tighter alignment between Marketing and CX

Implementing Convert has also helped bring together TUSHY’s customer service and marketing teams, for stronger internal collaboration.

For instance, the Marketing team can flag upcoming promotions to make sure that when customers see a promotion on social media, for example, the on-site campaign experience feels like a natural continuation.

Currently, the Marketing team collaborates with Grace to generate copy for on-site campaigns. Looking forward, Grace is also eager to pass along insights from customer service interactions and automation data to inform the company’s marketing strategy. 

“The connection between CX and marketing is often the farthest apart in any ecommerce company, and that’s such a disservice to both sides — we are both working towards the same goals, and have so much to learn and share. We’re trying to push that boundary and change that culture. And, we think these on-site campaigns are getting us there.

We love that this can be a tool for bridging that gap. Our cross-collaboration with marketing has only increased, and seeing our results crafting the ideal customer journey has become exciting for the whole company.”

— Grace Choi, Customer Experience Manager at TUSHY

Next steps: further experimentation and digging into analytics

With Convert still in beta mode, TUSHY is excited to continue experimenting with on-site campaigns — including targeting VIP customers using Shopify spend data in Gorgias — and seeing how its features develop. 

Grace plans to dive further into analytics to understand performance and attribution, which will also help with collaborating more closely with TUSHY’s marketing team.  

“To any other ecommerce store, I’d say: Gorgias Convert is a no-brainer. The setup is so simple, and the GMV uplift was way beyond what we had expected. So it's definitely worth the extra cost. Because you will see results as long as you're smart about what kind of campaigns you put out.”

— Grace Choi, Customer Experience Manager at TUSHY

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