Gorgias brand

Here are some of the things that make up our brand and how you can use them when talking about Gorgias.

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Gorgias Logos

The gorgias logo consist of two elements. Logomark (symbol) and wordmark using the company name with proprietary letterforms. Each of these elements can be used together or separately depending on the context where the brand image is needed.

A well designed logo will always help a good product realise it’s full potential. It gives direction and attitude while the product informs the meaning.

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Preferred Logotype
When we can, we use the logotype in dark.

Alternative logotype
If it doesn’t work with a black logotype, for example on imagery or a dark background, use human.

Minimum clearspace
The recommended clear space must never be reduced, but can be increased. It's equal to the height of the letter “s” in gorgias.

Gorgias Symbol

The main role of the symbol is to add mnemonic value to the logo and to operate as a branding element wherever the context doesn’t permit to use the full logo.

Some situations where you can use the symbol alone are:
App Icons, favicon, avatars on social media, top left corner within the mobile version of a web (or native)-app, brand-swag-you-name-it or artwork.

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Preferred Logotype
When we can, we use the logotype in dark.

Alternative logotype
If it doesn’t work with a black logotype, for example on imagery or a dark background, use human.

Minimum clearspace
The recommended clear space must never be reduced, but can be increased. It's equal to the height of the letter “s” in gorgias.


The recommended clearance when displaying the gorgias logo next to another logo is the height of the letter ‘s’ and between distance is it’s double.

Best practices

Much time and effort was spent into carefully crafting the gorgias Logo to be a perfect embodiment of the brand that it represents.

We ask that designers and users respect the thought and craftmanship that has gone into the logo by keeping it in it’s pure form and within the rules specified in this guide book.

Be careful when using the logo not to alter tweak, mutilate, or take any personal creative freedom that breaks the specific rules set out in this document. The following are merely a few examples of practices that would violate the logo and ultimately the Gorgias Brand.

1. Do not angle the logo.

2. Do not add drop-shadow, inner-shadow, outer-glow, inner-glow, outer border or any other effects that affect the space proximal to the original outer edge (outline) of the logo.

3. Do not in any way alter the proportions of the letters or the symbol, nor the space between them.

4. Do not alter the colors of the logo except when in accordance to color rules.

5. Do not change the type-face or font style of any part of the logo.

6. Do not in any way distort the logo, either by stretching squishing skewing etc.

7. Do not use the logo in low quality jpg.

8. Use the logo in black or white only when you design in monochrome. See monochrome use.

9. Minimum sizes: For every content, the logo has not a maximum width/height, but a minimum size has been defined.
as follows:
- Web  Logo: 80px / Symbol: 18px
- Prez Logo: 160px / Symbol: 36px
- Print Logo: 30mm  / Symbol: 7mm

10. Monochrome use When you need to use the avatar in monochrome use black and while only for maximum contrast. 
Do not use gray!