Customer stories

How Olipop Decreases Their Response Time by 88% and Resolution Time by 91% with 25x ROI

Decrease in first response time
Decrease in resolution time
Increase in revenue from CS

Challenge: In just one year, OLIPOP has seen 4x growth, and DTC has gone from 5% to 35% of their business. They needed the right tools to keep up their exceptional customer service and community.

Solution: Leverage Postscript and Gorgias to build effective SMS marketing campaigns and customer experiences that scale.


OLIPOP is a new kind of soda.

A soda with prebiotics, plant fiber, and botanicals. It has the same nostalgic flavors you grew up with, but with 9g of plant fiber to benefit digestive health and only 2-5g of sugar. Ben and David, OLIPOP's founders, realized that hunter gatherers used to have way more fibre than we do today, and wanted to solve that problem in a fun way. That's where OLIPOP comes in, with delicious and better-for-you beverages with flavours like Orange Cream, Vintage Cola, Ginger Lemon, and more.

"We wanted to make sure customers can reach out to us via any platform and we'd have the ability to answer it all in one place, while seeing exactly where the customer is in their journey with us." - Eli Weiss, Director of CX, OLIPOP


Like many ecommerce brands, OLIPOP has seen massive growth in the last year. DTC went from being just 5% of their business to 35%. One of the biggest focuses for their Director of Customer Experience, Eli Weiss, was to be able to maintain the same exceptional customer service they would provide to 4 customers to over 400,000 customers, across all channels.

Eli has used Zendesk, Freshdesk and Front before, but knew OLIPOP needed something different. His mission was to find something that has a similar backend to the legacy helpdesks, but that has a front end that feels like you're getting an email from a person. He was also looking for a helpdesk that would integrate well with Shopify Plus and their tech stack, and would let them do everything in one spot, which is how he came across Gorgias.

“I've used various tools for CX, Gorgias has the best handle on what delivering a stellar experience takes. From ensuring each and every customer is viewed as a person instead of a ticket, to using technology to help create automations and macros and having the best integrations in the game, Gorgias has helped us constantly deliver fantastic experiences.” - Eli Weiss, Director of CX, OLIPOP

Eli and his team also had a big vision for SMS. Instead of abusing the channel and flooding someones inbox, the goal was to use SMS to create highly personalized relationships with customers. Postscript was the clear choice to work with to make that happen, as Eli says they clearly understand the medium being the message.


Today, OLIPOP works closely with both Gorgias and Postscript and takes full advantage of their integration to build effective SMS marketing campaigns and grow their exceptional customer support experiences. They also work closely with Lunar Solar Group to scale their marketing across all channels.

Overall, OLIPOP's goal is for every customer to feel valued, and like they're building a personal 1:1 relationship with the brand in every conversation. That experience can be ruined if your customers feel like a support ticket to be resolved.

Since OLIPOP's strategy for SMS is to utilize it as a highly personal channel, they focus on content that encourages two-way conversations and builds relationships. That's why it's so important for their team to be able to respond quickly and with a human voice. The Gorgias and Postscript integration makes that easy by creating a ticket in Gorgias every time someone responds to an SMS. When support agents respond to the ticket, the responses will be sent out via the same SMS number that the initial message came through, so it all flows like a back-and-forth text conversation that you'd have with a friend.

"Working with Postscript and Gorgias gave us the leverage to keep customers close to deliver the best possible customer experience. It is super helpful to have a full view of the customer, all in one-spot." - Eli Weiss, Director of CX, OLIPOP


Getting both apps up and running has been a"smooth sailing" experience for OLIPOP. When they started with Postscript, they were supported and ready to go immediately with the lowest lift and highest impact strategies. With Gorgias, they've been able to onboard new people on the team really quickly, as it's a quick walkthrough of one app and they're all caught up, instead of training on multiple channels.

"Don't treat SMS like email - talk to these folks like they're your friends. That's something that OLIPOP does via SMS really well." - Claire Goodill, Head of Partnerships, Postscript

You likely speak to only a handful of friends and loved ones on a regular basis through SMS. Eli texts four people consistently, and one of those people is his mom. That's how personal this channel can be, so it's really important to have the tools and strategy you need to speak to your customers in a tone that fits that medium.

For example, OLIPOP sent an SMS to their customers last March that featured their team drinking OLIPOP and skateboarding. The message asked what people were up to during quarantine, and there were no links to products in the message. They had a good portion of their audience respond in a two-way conversation, which helps build community and brand awareness. As a bonus, they also saw a spike in sales from that message. This strategy of creating conversations and engaging your audience has short-term and long-term benefits, with immediate sales and customer retention.

“SMS has been tossed into the marketing stack and abused by marketers pretty quickly, but Postscript has the vision of SMS down, with the team and technology to deliver it. Along with the Postscript team, we are able to constantly deliver exclusive experiences to our most engaged audience and break records on SMS across our business.”- Eli Weiss, Director of CX, OLIPOP


OLIPOP has seen some phenomenal results using Gorgias and Postscript.

They've had an 88% decrease in first response time in their first 60 days using Gorgias compared to the last 60 days, from 8 hours 42 minutes to 1 hour and 1 minute. They've also had a 91% decrease in resolution time, from 1 day and 3 hours to 2.5 hours total. Their revenue driven from customer service as a whole has grown over 1200%. All while their number of tickets has more than doubled across email, SMS and social media.

They also have a 25x ROI on Postscript.There's been a 71% decrease in their response and resolution time with the Gorgias and Postscript integration specifically, as well as bonus revenue driven.

"You can have the best tools in the business, but not empower your team to use them. With both Postscript and Gorgias we’ve done things differently that paid off for us." - Eli Weiss, Director of CX, OLIPOP

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