Trusted Partner
Starts at $0.07 per shipment tracked is an essential last-mile tool for businesses of all sizes to easily reduce shipping costs by up to 20% through automated service-failure refunds. It's also a platform to help proactively resolve delivery errors to ensure positive delivery experiences for customers.

By automatically auditing monthly shipping invoices, merchants can recover refunds for 50+ carrier service failures and billing errors. Additionally, merchants can track outbound & inbound parcels in real-time, while creating delightful delivery experiences with proactive customer engagement throughout the order delivery lifecycle. By leveraging shipping data, LateShipment provides essential logistics intelligence in the form of insight-rich reports to help businesses make better supply chain decisions.

With’s Delivery Experience Management (DEM) Platform for Gorgias, merchants can set up automated-triggers to create tickets for delivery issues and proactively resolve them, automate order status notifications to customers, and provide branded order tracking experiences. Examples of these triggers include Packages Predicted Delayed, In-transit with delays, Failed deliveries, Packages suspected lost, etc.