Convert Campaigns Library
Cart campaigns
Convert Campaigns

Cart campaigns

A Baymard Institute study finds that about 70% of shopping carts get abandoned. Yup: 70% of shoppers who visit your store add products to their carts but don’t place an order.

Reducing cart abandonment is one of the most impactful optimizations you can make to your online store. If you can prevent a third of shoppers from abandoning their cart, that’s equivalent to growing your customer base by 23%. 

These campaigns aim to stop customers from abandoning carts with reminders about incentives (like free shipping), special promotions, and more.

Highlight key selling points

One of the best ways to prevent cart abandonment is to shine a spotlight on all the CX benefits that help customers overcome cart hesitation.

🎯 Primary goal: Prevent cart abandonment

💰 Expected revenue outcome: +1% revenue uplift

💡 Real example: Commando shares a code for free shipping

Commando shares a discount code on their cart campaign
Commando's cart campaign settings

Share cross-sell opportunity

Another great way to stop shoppers from abandoning a purchase is to share a complimentary product. You could point shoppers to discounted bundles, matching sets, or just highlight small items so they reach your free shipping threshold. 

These campaigns boost AOV on top of preventing cart abandonment by adding additional products to the shopper’s purchase — a win-win! 

🎯 Primary goal: Prevent cart abandonment and boost AOV

💰 Expected revenue outcome: +0.5% revenue uplift

💡 Real example: Manduka highlights small add-on items to reach free shipping threshold (desktop version)

Manduka offers free shipping on big orders via campaign
Manduka's cart campaign settings

💡 Real example: Manduka highlights small add-on items to reach free shipping threshold (mobile version)

Manduka's chat campaign settings
Manduka's cart campaign settings

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