Top ecommerce tools

Most popular tools from the 10,000+ top Ecommerce stores.
Built by Gorgias, the helpdesk for Ecommerce.

31 of the Most Useful Ecommerce Tools for Your Team [Features, Pricing, and More]

As the ecommerce industry has boomed, so has the need for innovative new tools to allow ecommerce business owners to stay on top of their responsibilities and ahead of the competition. Today, there is a wide range of such tools available to choose from, running the gamut from marketing tools, to CRM tools, to project management tools and beyond. 

To help you decide which ecommerce tools your online store needs to flourish, we'll take an in-depth look at the 30 most useful ecommerce tools on the market today, grouped by category.

Table of Contents

Plug-n-play ecommerce tools to build and host online stores

Plug-n-play ecommerce platforms are no-code platforms that allow you to build a complete ecommerce store from the ground up — regardless of your coding experience. These platforms allow you to design your own ecommerce store by selecting from a broad range of templates and adding new features/design elements via drag-and-drop commands. They also handle all aspects of keeping your ecommerce website up and running, from cybersecurity, to hosting, to payment processing with PayPal, Stripe, and other payment providers. 

If you are just now starting your online business, choosing the ecommerce platform you'll use to create and host your ecommerce site is an important place to begin. You’ve outgrown Ebay and Etsy, and you’re ready to build beautiful landing pages that represent your unique brand as well as a brick-and-mortar storefront. Here are the tools you should consider: 

1) Shopify

Like BigCommerce, Shopify is an ecommerce platform that allows you to create an online store using simple drag-and-drop commands. With so many similarities between the two platforms, the choice between them ultimately comes down to a matter of preference more than anything else. 

However, there are a few key differences to take into account. Shopify offers a wider selection of themes and templates to choose from, and Shopify is able to integrate with a greater number of payment gateways. Shopify doesn't come with as many "out-of-the-box" sales features as BigCommerce. The platform also charges per-transaction fees that range from 0.5% of each transaction to 2% of each transaction depending on the plan that you choose. The cost of their plans alone range from $9 per month to $299+ per month.

For more information on Shopify and how Gorgias integrates with this platform, check out our Gorgias for Shopify page.

Key features

  • The ability to integrate your Shopify store with Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, and beyond for multi-channel selling
  • A large library of free and paid templates
  • A convenient inventory management system that is especially useful for larger stores

2) BigCommerce

BigCommerce is a plug-n-play ecommerce platform that offers everything you might need to build a successful online store. Their portfolio includes a wide range of templates and design elements to choose from, including payment processing solutions, robust cybersecurity, and a number of powerful sales and marketing tools. 

Along with its high-quality, built-in sales features, one key benefit of BigCommerce is that you won't have to pay any transaction fees for products sold, regardless of the pricing plan that you choose. 

On the topic of paid plans, the price of BigCommerce ranges from $29.95 per month for the Standard plan to $299.95 per month for the Pro plan, with the option to upgrade to a custom-priced Enterprise plan offered as well.

For more information on BigCommerce and its Gorgias integration, check out our Gorgias for BigCommerce page.

Key features

  • A wide range of built-in features that require no additional purchase or installation.
  • Quick and easy integrations.
  • Simple and wide-ranging customization options.

3) Magento

Magento differs from BigCommerce and Shopify in that building a website using Magento requires a decent amount of coding. Magento is a free to download open-source website builder that allows you to create and host your own fully-customized online store. 

Magento is an ideal choice for those who wish to build a website with custom features and/or a custom design that wouldn't be possible to build using no-code solutions such as Shopify and BigCommerce. 

While Magento is free to download, you will have to pay extra for web hosting and any additional apps or add-ons that you need.

Learn more about how Magento and Gorgias integrate on our Gorgias for Magento page.

Key features

  • Enhanced product browsing features such as the ability to zoom in on product pictures.
  • The ability to support up to 500,000 products on a single website.
  • Automated SEO recommendations.

Additional ecommerce platforms include Wix, Wordpress, and WooCommerce, both of which are solid platforms that include many of the same features listed above.

Best ecommerce digital marketing tools

No matter how wonderful your products happen to be, no ecommerce store is successful without an effective marketing strategy. A big part of making your marketing strategy as effective as possible is choosing the ecommerce marketing tools that you will leverage. 

From helping you populate your website's content with targeted keywords, to helping you manage email campaigns, to helping you connect your website to your other online platforms for multi-channel marketing — you can accomplish a lot if you integrate the right marketing tools into your ecommerce website.

4) Klaviyo 

According to data from Hubspot, marketers who segment their email marketing campaigns to target customer personas and customers in specific parts of the customer journey see as much as a 760% increase in revenue compared to those who do not. In addition to allowing you to segment your subscriber list for personalized targeting, Klaviyo also enables you to automate your email and SMS marketing campaigns. You can easily create customized emails within the platform using a wide variety of pre-built templates, and much more. 

We prefer Klaviyo to its competitor, Mailchimp, because of the platform’s superior SMS features, marketing automation, and emphasis on supporting ecommerce merchants. 

Pricing for Klaviyo is entirely dependent on how many emails/SMS messages you intend to send each month, but you can check out the Klaviyo pricing calculator here.

If you use Gorgias, learn more about how Gorgias and Klaviyo integrate.

Key features

  • Automatically send out emails and SMS messages based on triggers such as cart abandonment triggers, price drop triggers, and back-in-stock triggers.
  • A centralized analytics dashboard for accessing data regarding all of your SMS and email campaigns.
  • A large library of pre-built templates and workflows for speeding up the campaign creation process.

5) Ahrefs (Keyword research and competitor data)

Optimizing a website's SEO is often a complex process, but with Ahrefs, improving your website's SEO becomes a much more achievable goal. Ahrefs allows you to perform keyword research to find out what your ideal customers are searching for, perform website audits to analyze your site's SEO, analyze what's working on your competitors' websites, and track your search ranking progress.

Ahrefs is especially helpful for content marketing efforts, such as starting a blog to promote your ecommerce store

In terms of pricing, Ahrefs ranges in price from $99 per month to $999 per month depending on the plan that you choose.

Key features

  • Website Audit tool allows you to analyze your website's SEO in a matter of minutes.
  • Keyword Explorer makes it easy to identify high-converting keywords.
  • Backlink Profile offers the most recent backlink data on any website.

6) Marketplace Pulse

More of an ecommerce database than it is an ecommerce tool, Marketplace Pulse can nonetheless be a powerful resource for marketers performing competitor research. Marketplace Pulse parses raw data to extract useful insights regarding a broad range of brands and their products before presenting those insights in articles that are accessible via a free subscription. This arms you with the up-to-date data you need to see how your store stacks up to its competitors.

Key features

  • Free research reports and articles detailing all major ecommerce brands.
  • Automatically parses raw data for useful insights.

7) Canva

Canva puts the power of an in-house graphic designer at your fingertips by enabling you to create professional-quality infographics, posters, presentations, and other visual content using only drag-and-drop commands. If you would like to give your brand's marketing content more visual appeal without hiring an in-house designer or third-party design firm, Canva is an optimal choice to consider. 

Canva currently has three pricing plans to choose from: a basic plan that is free, a paid plan called Pro that costs $119.99 per year, and an Enterprise plan with customizable pricing.

Key features

  • A massive, professionally-designed template library.
  • Easy-to-use, drag-and-drop functionality.
  • Automatic design recommendations based on the platform where the content will be published.

8) Omnisend

One of the most popular email marketing tools on the market, Omnisend leverages the power of automation to take the hassle out of designing and launching email and SMS marketing campaigns. With Ominsend, you can access pre-built email and SMS workflows and templates, segment your lists based on the wealth of customer data that Ominsend provides, and create automated campaigns that are sent based on customer activity. 

Omnisend currently offers three pricing plans. Their free plan includes up to 500 emails and 60 SMS messages per month. Their Standard plan is $16 per month for up to 6,000 emails and 60 SMS messages per month. Finally, their Pro plan is $59 per month for unlimited emails and up to 3,933 SMS messages per month.

Learn more about Omnisend’s plugin with Gorgias.

Key features

  • 24/7 customer support.
  • User-friendly platform that is easy to pick up and use without the need for an extended learning curve.
  • Detailed analytics and reporting that you can use to segment your subscriber lists.

9) Yotpo

Yotpo is an ecommerce marketing solution that offers a range of capabilities and features. For one, Yotpo allows you to create targeted SMS and email marketing campaigns with a variety of tools for collecting subscribers. Yotpo also offers thorough analytics for segmenting your subscriber lists. 

In addition to serving as an SMS and email marketing platform, you can create and launch brand loyalty and referral programs, customized photo, video, and review galleries for your website, prompts for automatically requesting customer reviews, and more. 

The base version of Yotpo is free to use, with its Growth plan starting at $15 per month and its Prime plan starting at $119 per month.

Learn more about how Yotpo integrated with Gorgias.

Key features

  • Collect more customer reviews via automated review prompts.
  • The ability for customers to include photos and/or videos along with their reviews.

Best ecommerce tools for project management and team communication

As the popularity of remote working has increased dramatically in recent years, the importance of project management and team communication tools has become all the more significant. With the right project management and team communication tools, you can create and assign tasks for your teams and team members, easily communicate to individual team members or your team as a whole, and easily create detailed project reports.

10) Teamwork

Teamwork is an all-in-one project management platform that enables you to chat with your team in real-time, track every detail of your project's progress, access information regarding the workload and schedule of each team member, assign tasks, and beyond. 

Teamwork currently comes in three pricing plans that range from free to $18 per month. They also offer a customizable plan with pricing dependent upon your specific needs.

Key features

  • End-to-end security.
  • The ability to access the Teamwork platform from any device, including mobile devices.
  • Improved accountability and progress tracking via Teamwork's task assignment function.

11) Asana

Asana is one of the most popular project management platforms for small businesses, and for a valid reason. With Asana, you can visualize how work maps out over time via the platform's excellent data visualization features, communicate with team members in real-time, assign and prioritize tasks, and easily track every step of your project as it progresses. 

Asana comes in three different pricing plans: a Basic plan that is free, a Premium plan that costs $10.99 per month, and a Business plan that costs $24.99 per month.

Key features

  • Asana's free Basic plan is feature-rich and is likely to include everything you need unless you are managing large teams and/or a large number of projects.
  • Enables team leaders to efficiently track and manage projects.
  • Makes it easy to streamline collaboration with third-party partners such as freelancers or independent contractors thanks to the platform's ease of use and widespread popularity.

12) Slack

Slack is a platform designed to simplify team communication by enabling you to create multiple communication channels that are organized by topic. With Slack, you'll receive automatic notifications for each new message as well as the ability to collaborate with team members in real-time using Slack's well-polished chat feature. 

Slack might not be as comprehensive of a project management tool as other available options such as Teamwork and Asana. However, what it does do — which is organize and streamline team communication — it does very well. 

Slack comes with four pricing options: a free-to-use plan, a Pro plan that costs $6.67 per month, a Business+ plan that costs $12.50 per month, and an Enterprise Grid plan with customizable pricing.

Key features

  • The ability to prioritize important channels and mute notifications from channels that are less important.
  • Searchable chat history.
  • Organize communication by adding team members and topics to various channels.

Best social media ecommerce tools

According to a report from eMarketer, the number of U.S. customers who purchased products directly from social media platforms grew to 80.1 million in 2020 and is expected to increase to 96.1 million in 2022. Even if you aren't selling directly on social media, popular social media platforms still remain lucrative marketing opportunities. 

With the social media ecommerce tools listed below, you can manage social media marketing campaigns, create and automate publishing schedules for social posts, gather insights on your social media audience, and much more.

13) Sprout Social

Sprout Social is a comprehensive social media marketing platform that enables you to more efficiently create, manage, and deliver social posts and social media marketing campaigns. In addition to helping automate your social content publishing schedule, Sprout Social also provides actionable insights gleaned from your social conversations. This platform also gives you the ability to monitor your engagement efforts with a unified social inbox. 

Pricing for Sprout Social starts at $89 per user per month for the Standard plan, while the Professional plan costs $149 per user per month, and the Advanced plan costs $249 per user per month.

Key features

  • The ability to respond to social messages and mentions from a single centralized inbox, even on a mobile app.
  • Social listening features for automatically gathering valuable insights from your social media audience.
  • Automated publishing and reporting.

14) Octane AI

Octane AI is a solution that allows you to create quizzes for your social media audience before offering personalized product recommendations based on their responses. With Octane AI, you can easily create customized product quizzes using a variety of templates as a starting point. Then, you publish those quizzes in various forms including social media posts and website popups. Finally, you can use the data you collect to personalize your marketing efforts. 

Octane AI offers three pricing plans: a $49 per month Starter plan, a $199 per month Pro plan, and a $499 per month Pioneer plan. Octane AI also offers a custom-priced Enterprise plan that includes a dedicated account manager.

Key features

  • The ability to collect zero-party data through customer quizzes.
  • The ability to easily design professional-quality quizzes without the need to hire a graphic design team.

15) Recart

Recart is designed to automate your Facebook Messenger and SMS marketing campaigns. This platform offers opt-in tools to grow your subscriber list and automated flows — automatically sending the right messages to the right customers at the right time. Recart's automated SMS and Facebook Messenger campaign flows can be triggered based on a range of customer actions, allowing you to target your messages based on a wide variety of triggers and criteria. 

Recart currently offers two Facebook Messenger pricing plans. Their Basic plan costs $29 per month, and their Scale plan costs $499 per month. Recart also offers an SMS messaging plan that costs $599 per month.

Learn more about Recart’s integration with Gorgias.

Key features

  • Automate your SMS and Facebook Messenger campaigns based on triggers such as abandoned carts, new signups, order fulfillment, and many more.
  • Makes it easy to create a range of different opt-ins that you can use to grow your subscriber list.

16) Buffer

Buffer is designed to make running your brand's social media pages less time-consuming. It allows you to organize your content and schedule it for automated publishing, as well as provides you with the ability to respond to comments and DMs across channels from a single dashboard. 

Buffer also offers detailed social media analytics organized into easy-to-understand charts and graphs that you can use to determine what's working well and what isn't. 

The basic version of Buffer is free to use, while Buffer's Essentials plan costs $5 per month per social channel.

Key features

  • Schedule posts for publishing or publish posts simultaneously across multiple social media channels.
  • Exceptional social media analytics reporting with helpful data visualization features.

Best ecommerce automation tools 

Automating time-consuming tasks such as managing email marketing campaigns or building new features into your website can free you and your team up to focus on other responsibilities. If you would like to leverage the power of automation on your website, here are two great automation e-commerce solutions to consider.

17) Alloy 

Alloy is a no-code automation solution for ecommerce stores that allows you to create triggers and automated flows with ease. Alloy is designed to integrate with a wide range of ecommerce tools and platforms so your system is ready to go when a specific event occurs within your store or one of the apps that you rely on, like a sale, customer message, page view, and more.

Learn more about how Alloy integrated with Gorgias.

Key features 

  • Offers a variety of pre-built workflows in addition to the ability to create your own, customized workflows 
  • Centralizes data from multiple applications and customer touchpoints 
  • Plenty of customizable triggers, conditions, and executable actions to select from 
  • Capable of integrating with over 100 different ecommerce tools and platforms 

18) Mesa

Mesa offers a wide range of automation solutions, including automating customer returns, order tracking, creating customer support tickets, and beyond. With Mesa's large library of pre-built automation workflows and its no-code workflow editor, you can build and customize just about any automation you can imagine — regardless of your coding experience.

Key features

  • A no-code workflow editor that allows you to customize Mesa's pre-built automations or create your own automation from scratch
  • A vast selection of pre-built automation workflows
  • Makes it easy to build customized automations using only drag-and-drop commands
  • A well-regarded support team for helping you make the most of Mesa's many features

Best ecommerce software for shopping cart optimization

Once you successfully direct a customer to the checkout page of your online shop, the battle is still far from over. In fact, the average cart abandonment rate across all industries is right at 70% according to data from Baymard Institute. Thankfully, utilizing the right ecommerce shopping cart tools can help you optimize your customers' checkout experience and keep your cart abandonment rate as low as possible.

19) Shopaccino

One-part shopping cart tool, one-part plug-n-play ecommerce platform, Shopaccino allows you to turn any website into an ecommerce store by providing features such as credit card payment processing, campaign tracking, inventory management, and more. If you are looking for an all-in-one solution for creating and managing your online shop but would rather use your existing website, then Shopaccino is a great option to consider.

Key features

  • Provides the ability to turn any existing website into a fully functional ecommerce store
  • Provides APIs for connecting any ERP, accounting system, or other software solution
  • A large selection of free responsive themes to help you get started building your online store
  • Automatically or manually generate coupon discount codes

20) Ecwid

Ecwid is a tool that makes it easy to add products and a checkout page to any website or social media profile. Like Shopaccino, Ecwid can be used to turn your existing website into a fully operational online store. Ecwid also makes it easy to sell across multiple sales channels and platforms, including in-person, on your website, or on your social media profiles.

Key features

  • Completely free to use
  • In addition to turning any website or social media profile into a point-of-sale, Ecwid also allows you to easily process and manage in-person sales and accept credit/debit card payments on the go or at your brick-and-mortar location
  • Easily add products and a checkout page to any existing website or social media profile
  • Provides automated marketing features such as automated abandoned cart emails and automated PPC advertising

Want to learn more about shopping carts? Check out our list of shopping cart best practices.

Best ecommerce tools for customer service (aka helpdesk)

According to a survey by Zendesk, 84% of consumers say that customer service is a key factor when it comes to deciding where they spend their money. However, without the right tools, providing excellent customer service as an online store can quickly become overwhelming. 

The right customer service ecommerce tools (also known as a helpdesk) can go a long way toward optimizing your store’s customer experience while also reducing your customer service workload: automating time-consuming customer service tasks such as ticket generation, providing a centralized dashboard for your customer support team to work from, and giving customers self-service options such as chatbots and help centers.

21) Gorgias

Gorgias is an all-in-one customer service platform that offers a centralized customer service dashboard and a wide range of automated rules and templated macros for automating various customer service tasks. This platform offers live chat that allows your customers to conveniently connect with live agents via a chat window on your website. Plus, get access customer self-service options like portal for customer order management.

You’ll also have access to detailed reporting of your support team's performance, giving you the data you need to further optimize the quality of your customer service. 

Pricing for Gorgias starts at $60 per month for the Basic plan, then moves up to $300 per month for the Pro plan, and $750 per month for the Advanced plan. Gorgias also offers an Enterprise plan with custom pricing.

Get started with Gorgias here.

Key features

  • Streamlines and automates the process of creating, organizing, and assigning customer support tickets.
  • Live-chat support via a fast-loading chat widget.
  • Provides a user-friendly dashboard for customer support agents to work from.
  • Detailed analytics and reporting of customer service data.

22) Ada

Ada is a customer service platform that enables you to install AI-powered customer support chatbots on your website. These chatbots manage customer interactions without any input from a live agent, enabling you to offer 24/7 customer service. Thanks to the Advanced Interaction AI that powers them, Ada chatbots are quite adept at pinpointing a customer's intent, and offer personalized resolutions for most customer service issues. 

Pricing for Ada is only available upon request.

Key features

  • Integrates with Zendesk and other knowledge bases for sourcing brand-specific information.
  • Detailed reporting to help you spot customer service trends.
  • Straightforward rollout and plugins.

23) is a tool designed to help you turn each new customer into a repeat customer by providing them with experiences that encourage brand loyalty. With, you are able to create and manage loyalty programs for your customers, complete with points and rewards for actions such as purchases and referrals. also offers rich customization options for the opt-ins and other rewards program materials that you create, enabling you to design a rewards program that is perfectly on-brand.’s Starter plan is priced at $49 per month, their Growth plan at $199 per month, and their Pro plan at $599 per month.

Learn more about’s integration with Gorgias.

Key features

  • User-friendly for customers and support agents alike.
  • The ability to search for customers by name in order to adjust their points manually.
  • On-site reminders that encourage customers to engage with the program (i.e. reminding them that they have points available to spend).

24) Aircall

Aircall is a cloud-based call center that makes offering phone-based customer support for your online store far more manageable. Aircall provides a screen-pop for inbound calls, allowing your support agents to immediately access the information of the customer who is calling. 

With Aircall, you also have automatic call logging with notes, tags & dispositions, recording, and call data. In addition to providing everything you need to offer efficient phone-based customer support, Aircall also provides you with the ability to run outbound list dialer campaigns from any Salesforce list of records or reports. 

Learn more about how Aircall integrates with Gorgias.

Pricing for Aircall starts at $50 per month per user.

Key features

  • Monitoring capabilities provide managers with the ability to ensure that enough support agents are available to handle call volume.
  • Advanced inbound routing with full IVR and queue functionality.

25) Chatdesk

Chatdesk is a customer support solution that offers to hire, train, and deploy a team of customer support agents on your behalf. With Chatdesk, you get 24/7 live customer support across all of your various customer support channels without actually having to go through the tedious process of hiring and training new agents. Best of all, Chatdesk also makes an effort to hire individuals who are already "superfans" of your brand, making it more likely that the customer support agents they hire will be passionate and knowledgeable advocates for you. 

In addition to essentially providing you with a made-to-order customer support team, Chatdesk also provides detailed analytics and reporting that you can use to further improve your customer support services. 

Chatdesk offers three pricing plans. The Growth plan is $99 per month and includes 40 ticket resolutions per month, the Advanced plan is $900 per month and includes 400 ticket resolutions per month, and the Dedicated plan is $3,900 per month and includes 2,000 ticket resolutions per month.

Key features

  • Shifts callers to chat and self-service options to reduce your inbound call volume.
  • Integrates with Gorgias, common social media platforms, and a wide range of other tools and platforms.
  • Chatdesk attempts to hire customer support agents that are already fans of your brand.

Best store management tools (inventory and fulfillment)

Sometimes, just getting products from your warehouse to the customer is as much a challenge as convincing customers to purchase those products in the first place. When you throw in all of the other hassles associated with logistics and inventory management, such as keeping track of your stock and processing returns, what you are left with is often a full-time job in and of itself. 

Thankfully, the right store management tools can make inventory management and product fulfillment far more efficient by providing real-time insights about your inventory, automatically sending your customers shipping updates, and much more.

26) Oberlo

Oberlo is a platform designed specifically for sellers who leverage dropshipping in order to source their products. With Oberlo, you can import products directly to your store from AliExpress, either keeping the original product description or editing it in any way that you please. From there, you are able to place orders for specific products either individually or in bulk without having to return to AliExpress to find the product you need. If you are planning to utilize dropshipping as a way to get products to your customers without ever having to handle them yourself, then Oberlo is a must-have — helping you avoid a lot of wasted time and costly mistakes. 

The Starter plan for Oberlo is completely free, while customers with larger order volumes can choose between a Basic plan for $29.90 per month or a Pro plan for $79.90 per month.

Key features

  • Automatically fills out the shipping information for each order so that you don't have to do so manually.
  • Provides an easy to install and use Chrome extension.
  • Products can be edited before they are uploaded to your store.

27) ShipBob

ShipBob is an inventory and fulfillment solution that completely takes the burden of inventory management and order fulfillment off of your shoulders. It's a little like Amazon FBA for ecommerce stores; with ShipBob, you ship your products in bulk to ShipBob warehouses across the country where they are packed and shipped to customers on your behalf each time an order is placed. If you are looking for a simple way to eliminate the hassles associated with inventory management and order fulfillment, then partnering with ShipBob is an excellent option to consider. 

Pricing for ShipBob is only available upon request.

Key features

  • The option to choose your own carrier.
  • Automatically processes order returns.
  • Responsive 24/7 support.

28) ShipStation

ShipStation is an order fulfillment solution that allows you to import orders from multiple stores and channels. This platform lets you utilize bulk updates and automation processes to quickly process and fulfill orders, compare rates across carriers and print shipping labels, and send automated shipping updates to your customers. 

By streamlining, organizing, and automating your order fulfillment process, ShipStation can take a lot of the hassle out of order fulfillment. At the same time, users can reduce the likelihood of delays and errors. 

ShipStation offers a variety of pricing plans that range from $9 per month for up to 50 shipments per month, to $159 per month for up to 10,000 shipments per month.

Key features

  • Can connect with multiple platforms/marketplaces at no additional charge.
  • Automations make it easy to set up shipping rules.
  • An inventory management dashboard that allows you to view your stock levels, allocate stock, or set inventory alerts.

Best ecommerce metrics/analytics tools 

29) Google Analytics

Hands-down the most commonly utilized analytics tool in the world today, there's a good reason why almost every online store owner makes use of Google Analytics

With Google Analytics, you are able to access data such as who is visiting your website, where they are coming from, how much time they are spending on each page. You can also access much more data regarding visitor habits and demographics that you can use to boost both your website's SEO and conversion rate. Best of all, Google Analytics is completely free to use.

Key features

  • A plethora of data regarding your website's visitors and traffic trends.
  • The ability to perform keyword research using Google Analytics's Search Console.
  • Excellent data visualization features.
  • The ability to perform A/B testing on your website pages.

30) Conversific

Conversific is an ecommerce analytics tool that gives valuable context to data, helping brands optimize their ecommerce traffic and conversions. The platform aims to help brands gather better data that’s easier to understand through four pillars: reports, benchmarks, insights, and analytics.

Conversific is available in two pricing tiers: Free and Pro. The Free plan is limited, covering one store at 1,500 orders per year. The Pro plan comes in three flavors, which cover unlimited stores and significantly more orders: Business ($29/month), Growth ($79/month), and Scale ($199/month).

Key features

  • Big-picture monitoring of your store’s performance.
  • Access your most important metrics in one place (sales, traffic, conversions, buyer persona data, etc.).
  • Advanced analytics available for Pro plan users.
  • Personalized data insights with clear, actionable recommendations based on your data. 
  • Easy access to industry benchmarks.

For more platforms worth using, see our roundup of the 150+ most popular ecommerce tools used by more than 10,000 top ecommerce stores.

Now, discover why ecommerce stores choose Gorgias for customer service

Leveraging the right ecommerce tools provides a plethora of advantages that are sure to help you grow the success of your online store. At Gorgias, we are committed to providing our clients with the cutting-edge tools they need to expand their ecommerce business through exceptional customer service. 

To learn more about how integrating Gorgias into your online store can streamline your customer support process, give your customers convenient live chat support, and more, contact us today!

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